we Focus on quality


Beef appointments are made for each Wednesday of the month. It is necessary to call and set up an appointment. Reminder: We shut down beef processing for 4 weeks to process venison in November and December.


There is a 4% service fee added to all card transactions.



Because Den’s Country Meats is a USDA inspected plant, we are able to sell custom processed animals. We choose to work with only trusted producers from our community to purchase live animals for custom processing. Den’s is able to purchase the animal and have it delivered to us for your convenience. If you are interested in purchasing a beef animal for meat, please call 402-839-4635. Please allow six to eight weeks for your purchase to be completed.

Beef Cutting Instructions

To remain effective in our business, Den’s still believes in talking to our customers and taking handwritten orders. Please call us at 402-839-4635 where one of our employees will be happy to walk you through the beef cutting instructions.

Start an order

Whole Beef –
Customer can choose cuts from any option on processing sheet

½ Beef –
Customer can choose cuts from any option on processing sheet

Front Quarter –
Customer can choose cuts listed under Front Quarter and ground beef options on processing sheet

Hind Quarter –
Customer can choose cuts listed under Hind Quarter and ground beef options on processing sheet

½ of ½ Beef
Customer can choose cuts from any option on processing sheet

Amount of Beef

The average size of a beef cow is 1,000 pounds. The average dress size of a beef is approximately 60% of the weight. Your take home weight is approximately 50% of the dress weight.

Example: 1,000 lb animal x .6 = 600 pound dress weight x .5% shrink = 300 pounds of take home product.

Amount of Beef

The average size of a beef cow is 1,000 pounds – The average dress size of beef is approximately 60% of the weight. Your take home weight is 50% of the dress weight. Example: 1,000 lb animal x .6 = 600 pound dress weight x.5 shrink = 300 pounds of take home product.

Whole Beef

Customer can choose cuts from any processing option

Half of a Beef

Customer can choose cuts from any processing option

1/2 of a 1/2 of Beef

Customer can choose cuts from any processing option

Hind Quarter

Customer can only choose cuts under Hind Quarter and Ground Beef

Front Quarter

Customer can choose cuts from any processing option

Front Quarter


There is a minimum of 2 per package – Steaks can be cut 1/2″ 3/4″ or 1″

More Front Quarter Options


Hind Quarter


There is a minimum of 2 per package – Steaks can be cut 1/2″ 3/4″ or 1″


Ground Beef

Ground Beef

Patties have an extra charge

Extra Options



